Coming up for Air, A Poem

I was down under the Weight of the Earth, 

under the Coat of Invisibility

where I felt the Grip of Sadness over me. 

Somehow the Hand of Possibility pulled me, 

tugged at my heart’s doors

to open again / to welcome Love. 

The weight on my chest lifts,

and I’m Floating 

lighter than even than a feather ~ 

made out of Snow. 

Time unpauses and leaves me with more 

than I thought I deserved:

More Hours to my Days.  

My World starts spinning the minute 

I forgive. 

The Scar of my Wounds remain, but I 

come up with an Armor of Heartache and Heart. 

I am made up of Everything 

from my mistakes, my dreams, my Faith 

our past, my present, our Future—my Loves.

Finally, I can breathe the air of strength / My Air. 

Then Your Air.