Stanley Cup Consumerism: The Rise of the “Must-Have” and the Fall of Personal Style

In a world that is increasingly online, consumerism has reached an all-time high due to internet-crazed trends and an influx in online services. Products peddled by influencers come in and out of trend faster than ever, as the internet puts an overwhelming emphasis on “aesthetics” over personal and timeless style. Terms like “Amazon must-haves” and “old-money aesthetic” compel us to purchase unnecessary and unsustainable items. All because influencers — that are paid to sell these products — are doing everything in their power to make us  believe that we  just have to have the “next best thing.” It’s fun to buy trending products and get excited about new releases, especially if you’re going to continuously use them for  years to come. However, it might be necessary to discuss the pitfalls of excessive buying and the need to have everything, not to mention in every color. 

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Bottled Water is Not the Environmental Villain

People need to drink more water. The consumption of water, whether from the bottle or the tap, is a good thing and any actions that discourage people from drinking bottled water are not in the public interest. Banning or restricting access to bottled water directly impacts the right of people to choose the healthiest beverage on the shelf. 

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